Concierge medicine is an enhanced relationship between a patient and a Concierge Doctor in which the patient pays an annual fee or retainer. In exchange for the retainer, Abram Berens, M. D. provides enhanced and preventive care for a smaller subset of patients.

When you go to the doctor, do you see your physician every time? Or do you end up having to see a physician you may not know. Sometimes these practices utilize a nurse practitioner or a physician assistant? When you do see your doctor, do you have enough time to get all your questions answered or do you feel rushed?

Our healthcare system isn’t patient friendly and often leaves us feeling unheard. The current healthcare model forces Doctors to see dozens of patients every day for a limited amount of time, sometimes only several minutes. This can lead to lack of crucial time for physicians to properly care for their patients. The limited time schedule is often spent doing rapid-fire diagnosis and electronic charting. If you want to talk about something other than what brought you there originally, you’ll need to book another appointment.
Berens Concierge Care does not ascribe to this brand of medicine,

What distinguishes Berens Concierge Care? Dr. Berens personally sees and treats all of his patients. There are no midlevel providers or additional physicians. He sees fewer patients to ensure they have time to really engage with him. This model enables Dr Berens to be more proactive in his care rather than merely reactive. This additional time and utilization of preventive medical diagnostics ensures improved clinical outcomes. Other benefits our patients enjoy are as follows:

Dr. Berens sees an average of 8 to 10 patients a day resulting in more time for you. This means:

Each year you will be cared for via the Berens Medical Center wellness program. Said program is paid for by your annual membership fee.* This comprehensive health assessment program includes advanced medical tests and health screenings typically not covered by commercial insurance or Medicare. You and your doctor will use these test results to create a personalized wellness plan to help you achieve your health goals.


Preventive Health Program: This program consists of a head to toe Executive Physical and a host of preventive services. This includes advanced screenings and tests.

Health Outcomes: Patients who participate in these practice settings enjoy improved clinical outcomes and greater overall health and satisfaction.

Reach Your Doctor 24/7: Dr. Berens is available by phone after hours and on the weekends.

Condition Management: Dr. Berens has more time to help patients manage their chronic illnesses.

Family and Travel Benefits: Learn about an array of benefits offered as part of your membership.

Specialty Care Counseling: Dr Berens will be your advocate when referred to any specialists and should you be hospitalized.